• crsamc

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Exit Ticket 11 27 13

I do think that I have enough information on my topic to ask great questions. Since this topic isn't highly debatable, so it's easier to ask meaningful questions that no one has heard of before.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Exit Ticket 11 25 13

To get a better overview of my topic through background information would be to interview someone who was adopted into a family of a different race. I've had a history with journalism, which I can use to efficiently interview someone to obtain all of the information I need to complete this assignment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Exit Ticket 11 20 13

Interracial Adoption:
I already know that at the end of the day, children are deserving of a loving home. There is no other way to put it, every one, regardless of their race or appearance, are equal.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog 5

The amount of things that confuse me about the world is legitimately endless. Why do people ignore the fact that racism is still lurking? Why does society teach young girls not to get raped verses teaching the every day person not to rape? Why do people promote self acceptance and beauty when they don't believe it within themselves? To pick one topic for me to discuss my opinions toward is quite difficult. However, one lingering topic that confuses me is how judgmental society has become. It's scary how someone can say one thing, and turn around to do another without even thinking twice. This can make anyone question their acquaintances, might they have alternative motives? I question this also when I see others be taken advantage of based upon judgement.

Society is ugly, and there is no other way to put it. People do awful thing to each other, regardless of what age group they belong to. Far too many times people judge one another and bash each other when that person isn't present. I question this time and time again, and the scary part is, this venomous cycle will never change or end. Unfortunately, I've seen the most genuine and sweetest people, both young and older, change due to stranger's judgement. Now, I'm not saying I'm not completely innocent of this; legitimately, no one is. It's a defense mechanism to prematurely judge someone based on observations to protect from harm. That sense, nowadays, is greatly abused. My only question is, why has this become such a trend?

I can go on and on and on regarding topics that make society hideous. However, one that I'm surrounded with most is judgement. Everyone falls victim of being judged and judging others, which at this point in time spiraled out of control. However, it's possible to learn from experiences like this, such as giving others more chances of making better impressions and or protecting themselves from those who will badly influence them. Either way, I still question this idea and hopefully one day people will learn to forget about their differences and learn to know a person before they look down upon them.

Blog 4

There are so many things I'd love to learn in my life, some things that are completely different than others. One things that I'd absolutely want to learn is how to create and produce music. When I hear certain songs on the radio or browsing the internet, I become utterly amazed that a group of individuals can create something to unique. This isn't for all music, however. Some music does not sound at all authentic, unique, and one-of-a-kind, which is quite disappointing. I'd love to learn from those people who create such mind blowing sounds and understand the techniques used for success. I understand that it's a lot more than thought provoking lyrics and a catchy beat, which is why one day I'd like to sit down with one of the few artists who produce lyrics that really hits home for me, as well as creating a beat that leaves me thinking about their works all day.

There are a variety of artist who I'd want to learn all of their musical tactics from. Even when a certain artist whom I'm not very fond of creates a piece that's intriguing to me, I'd like to learn what inspired them. Did something significant happened in their personal or professional life that inspired that piece? Did someone else write it for them while they performed it? How do you create a musical beat to truly catch the essence of that song? There is a list of things I could ask. With all of those questions answered by legendary artists in history, I have a strong feeling that I'd be able to create something just as mind blowing. Well, maybe remotely, since it all comes along with inspiration. I understand that everything creative (music, art, writing, etc) is accompanied by a sort of inspiration that is handled carefully and correctly. One day, I honestly do hope that I'd be able to create something as great as the legendary artists of history, even if it isn't read or seen by anyone else but myself.

Great success in the music industry is attempted by millions but only achieved by thousands. There's something about all the artists today and in the past that makes their sound so desirable to the public. That something is what I'm thirsting to learn; what if I understand that technique and be able to use it? Though I may not ever use that technique in my life, it is something valuable that I can use in other creative areas of my life. I applaud anyone who is able to make it out there in the music industry, and that nobody should ever give up a dream in that area.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog 3 - How I Learn

I've done the learning prompt the Harvard researcher created every year throughout high school. Strangely, every year I fill out the sheet of some sort, I identify myself as something else each time. I believe freshman year I was musical, sophomore year I was spatial, junior year I was linguistic, and now finally senior year I'm leaning toward intrapersonal. For some reason this year I'm not feeling up to communicating much to my peers on my ideas unless I am unclear about a topic or question. Other than that, I sometimes feel that they will not take my ideas into consideration, so I prefer to build upon it on my own and take it from there. There are many other reasons for being an intrapersonal learner this year, and perhaps next year I will grow into something else.

When I do assignments, I typically like to think out how I'm going to fall through with it on my own. If it is a group project and I must express my opinions then of course I'll try to contribute where I can. However, for the most part, I like to keep to myself and build my own foundation of knowledge. Though, I can't lie, sometimes if I hear someone else express some valuable information that I can use to strengthen my own ideas I might use it. Otherwise, most of the information I produce are from my own understanding and comprehension. Sometimes I even enjoy putting my opinions on paper and just having the words flow from my pen and hope that it makes sense in the end, in most cases it does. That's what I enjoy about being an intrapersonal learner; being able to only be responsible for my own creation and not any one else's. Give me a well known controversial topic to briefly write about and I'll place all of my opinions down on paper before reading it out and know that it's purely my creation.

Being intrapersonal for my senior year may or may not work out in my favor in the long run. Sure, writing essays that weren't previously worked on in class may be good for me, but other projects like Capstone may not. Another thing that irks me about not being interpersonal is having to rely on others to get part of a project finished. Even though throughout the course of life, you bust be used to those sort of things everyday, it is challenging for me, so I know I have to refine that skill. Besides that, I enjoy being intrapersonal, and I'll look forward to see how I grow as a learner in the future.

Blog 2

So far through my high school career, I've done a variety of research projects varying from small projects to large. Some are considerably easier than others, while others make me wonder if it's really worth it. Regardless, I still manage to complete all of the project that I can remember, and build upon that valuable research skill. The last one I written was for my English 12 class in September. It was a very easy topic to write about-- teenagers and how they should manage their decisions. This essay was one of the more easy projects I wrote about while earning a great grade. If I had my way, I would have all of my essays be that simple.

The topic of teenagers in general is already easy for me to comprehend, since I am a teenager. Being able to understand why some teens make certain decisions is much easier for me than the overly complex of mature adults. I'm not saying that I'm not capable of understanding adults, but I can relate to other people my age. Within this research project, I had to discuss mostly teenage pregnancies, and why some younger people handle it in the wrong ways. I had to use information from the articles given and come up with an idea as to why some people might resort to such drastic measures. Some teenagers panic under extreme pressure, which can cause them to either hurt their child significantly or to abandon them. Through some research, I can to realize that it's a natural response for anyone, adult or teenager, to respond to drastically under unexpected pregnancies. So I expressed that-- even adults have went as far as killing their new born children under that sort of pressure. I really enjoyed reading into the matter, and learned many new things about the human mind that I did not know before. I discovered that people who are mentally weak will generally respond negatively to an unexpected birth of their baby, which was cause them to make bad decisions. Overall, the topic of teenagers was interesting, and I would not mind learning more about their (or, our) developing minds.

The portion of teenagers and teen pregnancies of English 12 was certainly one of the more interesting throughout my four years in high school. It was relate-able and really had me think-- are we really that different from what society defines the mature adult? Not quite, in fact, I can classify myself as being more mature than some of the age legal adults out there. In the end though, everyone makes different decisions than others, whether the decision is smart or not, and everyone at least once in their lives should look into it.