• crsamc

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog 5

The amount of things that confuse me about the world is legitimately endless. Why do people ignore the fact that racism is still lurking? Why does society teach young girls not to get raped verses teaching the every day person not to rape? Why do people promote self acceptance and beauty when they don't believe it within themselves? To pick one topic for me to discuss my opinions toward is quite difficult. However, one lingering topic that confuses me is how judgmental society has become. It's scary how someone can say one thing, and turn around to do another without even thinking twice. This can make anyone question their acquaintances, might they have alternative motives? I question this also when I see others be taken advantage of based upon judgement.

Society is ugly, and there is no other way to put it. People do awful thing to each other, regardless of what age group they belong to. Far too many times people judge one another and bash each other when that person isn't present. I question this time and time again, and the scary part is, this venomous cycle will never change or end. Unfortunately, I've seen the most genuine and sweetest people, both young and older, change due to stranger's judgement. Now, I'm not saying I'm not completely innocent of this; legitimately, no one is. It's a defense mechanism to prematurely judge someone based on observations to protect from harm. That sense, nowadays, is greatly abused. My only question is, why has this become such a trend?

I can go on and on and on regarding topics that make society hideous. However, one that I'm surrounded with most is judgement. Everyone falls victim of being judged and judging others, which at this point in time spiraled out of control. However, it's possible to learn from experiences like this, such as giving others more chances of making better impressions and or protecting themselves from those who will badly influence them. Either way, I still question this idea and hopefully one day people will learn to forget about their differences and learn to know a person before they look down upon them.

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