• crsamc

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog 2

So far through my high school career, I've done a variety of research projects varying from small projects to large. Some are considerably easier than others, while others make me wonder if it's really worth it. Regardless, I still manage to complete all of the project that I can remember, and build upon that valuable research skill. The last one I written was for my English 12 class in September. It was a very easy topic to write about-- teenagers and how they should manage their decisions. This essay was one of the more easy projects I wrote about while earning a great grade. If I had my way, I would have all of my essays be that simple.

The topic of teenagers in general is already easy for me to comprehend, since I am a teenager. Being able to understand why some teens make certain decisions is much easier for me than the overly complex of mature adults. I'm not saying that I'm not capable of understanding adults, but I can relate to other people my age. Within this research project, I had to discuss mostly teenage pregnancies, and why some younger people handle it in the wrong ways. I had to use information from the articles given and come up with an idea as to why some people might resort to such drastic measures. Some teenagers panic under extreme pressure, which can cause them to either hurt their child significantly or to abandon them. Through some research, I can to realize that it's a natural response for anyone, adult or teenager, to respond to drastically under unexpected pregnancies. So I expressed that-- even adults have went as far as killing their new born children under that sort of pressure. I really enjoyed reading into the matter, and learned many new things about the human mind that I did not know before. I discovered that people who are mentally weak will generally respond negatively to an unexpected birth of their baby, which was cause them to make bad decisions. Overall, the topic of teenagers was interesting, and I would not mind learning more about their (or, our) developing minds.

The portion of teenagers and teen pregnancies of English 12 was certainly one of the more interesting throughout my four years in high school. It was relate-able and really had me think-- are we really that different from what society defines the mature adult? Not quite, in fact, I can classify myself as being more mature than some of the age legal adults out there. In the end though, everyone makes different decisions than others, whether the decision is smart or not, and everyone at least once in their lives should look into it.

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