• crsamc

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog 4

There are so many things I'd love to learn in my life, some things that are completely different than others. One things that I'd absolutely want to learn is how to create and produce music. When I hear certain songs on the radio or browsing the internet, I become utterly amazed that a group of individuals can create something to unique. This isn't for all music, however. Some music does not sound at all authentic, unique, and one-of-a-kind, which is quite disappointing. I'd love to learn from those people who create such mind blowing sounds and understand the techniques used for success. I understand that it's a lot more than thought provoking lyrics and a catchy beat, which is why one day I'd like to sit down with one of the few artists who produce lyrics that really hits home for me, as well as creating a beat that leaves me thinking about their works all day.

There are a variety of artist who I'd want to learn all of their musical tactics from. Even when a certain artist whom I'm not very fond of creates a piece that's intriguing to me, I'd like to learn what inspired them. Did something significant happened in their personal or professional life that inspired that piece? Did someone else write it for them while they performed it? How do you create a musical beat to truly catch the essence of that song? There is a list of things I could ask. With all of those questions answered by legendary artists in history, I have a strong feeling that I'd be able to create something just as mind blowing. Well, maybe remotely, since it all comes along with inspiration. I understand that everything creative (music, art, writing, etc) is accompanied by a sort of inspiration that is handled carefully and correctly. One day, I honestly do hope that I'd be able to create something as great as the legendary artists of history, even if it isn't read or seen by anyone else but myself.

Great success in the music industry is attempted by millions but only achieved by thousands. There's something about all the artists today and in the past that makes their sound so desirable to the public. That something is what I'm thirsting to learn; what if I understand that technique and be able to use it? Though I may not ever use that technique in my life, it is something valuable that I can use in other creative areas of my life. I applaud anyone who is able to make it out there in the music industry, and that nobody should ever give up a dream in that area.

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