• crsamc

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog 3 - How I Learn

I've done the learning prompt the Harvard researcher created every year throughout high school. Strangely, every year I fill out the sheet of some sort, I identify myself as something else each time. I believe freshman year I was musical, sophomore year I was spatial, junior year I was linguistic, and now finally senior year I'm leaning toward intrapersonal. For some reason this year I'm not feeling up to communicating much to my peers on my ideas unless I am unclear about a topic or question. Other than that, I sometimes feel that they will not take my ideas into consideration, so I prefer to build upon it on my own and take it from there. There are many other reasons for being an intrapersonal learner this year, and perhaps next year I will grow into something else.

When I do assignments, I typically like to think out how I'm going to fall through with it on my own. If it is a group project and I must express my opinions then of course I'll try to contribute where I can. However, for the most part, I like to keep to myself and build my own foundation of knowledge. Though, I can't lie, sometimes if I hear someone else express some valuable information that I can use to strengthen my own ideas I might use it. Otherwise, most of the information I produce are from my own understanding and comprehension. Sometimes I even enjoy putting my opinions on paper and just having the words flow from my pen and hope that it makes sense in the end, in most cases it does. That's what I enjoy about being an intrapersonal learner; being able to only be responsible for my own creation and not any one else's. Give me a well known controversial topic to briefly write about and I'll place all of my opinions down on paper before reading it out and know that it's purely my creation.

Being intrapersonal for my senior year may or may not work out in my favor in the long run. Sure, writing essays that weren't previously worked on in class may be good for me, but other projects like Capstone may not. Another thing that irks me about not being interpersonal is having to rely on others to get part of a project finished. Even though throughout the course of life, you bust be used to those sort of things everyday, it is challenging for me, so I know I have to refine that skill. Besides that, I enjoy being intrapersonal, and I'll look forward to see how I grow as a learner in the future.

1 comment:

  1. This is great Amber. First of all, I'm so happy to see you have written on your blog. Second, it sounds like you learn in many different ways, but because you are an intrapersonal learner this year, I'm glad my assignment for the class fits your learning style since I am having you work alone on a research project.
